Bureau Veritas issues EEDI certificate for first in Sinopacfic’s new series of bulkers
LEADING international classification society Bureau Veritas has issued its first EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) certificate to the ultramax geared bulk carrier JS Amazon, the lead ship in a new generation of ‘CROWN63’ vessels developed by China’s Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group with bulk carrier expert Setaf-Saget.
The 63,300 dwt vessel is designed for the carriage of bulk cargoes, including coal, iron ore, grain and cement, as well as a range of dangerous cargoes. Its GHG (Green House Gas) performance when measured in accordance with IMO’s Energy Efficiency Design Index is twenty per cent better than the requirement under MARPOL Annex VI and already reaches the Phase II requirement normally set for the years 2020/2024. Its deadweight was achieved as a result of an advanced design fully compliant with the Common Structural Rules. The vessel can carry 5.2 per cent more cargo than other bulk carriers of comparable size.
Speaking in Yangzhou on February 27, 2012, at a press conference organised by Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group, Bernard Anne, Managing Director of BV’s Marine Division, said, “This vessel marks the start of a new series of ships which will be exemplary contributors to a greener and cleaner world, shaping the image of shipping for the future. It also represents a celebration of the achievement of outstanding new design concepts and the re-enforcement of strong and successful, long-established levels of co-operation.
"Bureau Veritas, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group and bulk carrier expert Setaf-Saget have been working together for many years in the best kind of partnership – one built on trust and a long-term commitment to shipbuilding quality and innovation. BV has been delighted to work with Greenseas, the in-house design office of the Sinopacific Group, which has a proven ability to deliver high-quality designs for energy-efficient ships.
“EEDI is aimed at producing ships which are ahead of industry standards, with optimised fuel consumption and the highest standards of quality and safety to meet the demanding criteria for bulk carriers engaged in worldwide service today. The ‘CROWN63’ series demonstrates to the world that the shipping and shipbuilding industries can bring to the market an exemplary generation of new ships which are safeguarding the future of our planet.”
Working with Sinopacific and a number of different owners, BV has classed 42 vessels of the ‘CROWN58’ series of supramax bulk carriers already delivered or still under construction. It is also responsible for the classification of 32 vessels on order in the ‘CROWN63’ series, and anticipates more to come.
Bernard Anne, who attended the naming ceremony for the JS Amazon in Yangzhou on February 28, concluded, “In a world where safety and environmental responsibility demands are paramount, BV is always keen to work with partners such as Sinopacific on the development of ground-breaking designs and quality newbuildings.”
For photos of the “JS Amazon” naming ceremony, go to http://bit.ly/pYqIVs or email chris@merlinco.com
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in conformity assessment and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has close to 50,000 employees in 930 offices and 330 laboratories located in 140 countries. Bureau Veritas helps its clients to improve their performances by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
www.bureauveritas.com for corporate information www.veristar.com for marine information
For more information: Philippe Boisson Bureau Veritas +33 1 55 24 71 98 philippe.boisson@bureauveritas.comLabels: Bureau Veritas, EEDI, Setaf-Saget, Sinopacific, ultramax vessels
Light fantastic
Scientists who last year claimed that sub-atomic particles called neutrinos had been found to travel six kilometres per second faster than the speed of light have now been made to eat crow.
The neutrinos should have taken 0.0024 seconds to travel from Geneva to Italy, but instead took 0.00000006 seconds. The findings sparked widespread scepticism because they attacked Einstein's theory that the maximum velocity in the universe is the speed of light. The scientists now admit the 60-nanosecond discrepancy which got them so excited “appeared to come from a bad connection between a fibre-optic cable and an electronic card in a computer” and that neutrinos are actually a fibre-optic breakfast cereal. The connection has now been tightened. Good.
There was a time when you used to have to know things – or, at the very least, wear a white coat and have unruly hair - to be a scientist. These days, anybody who makes a cockamamie claim about anything is a scientist. So now seems like a good time to launch my own theory that the moon is not 4.5 billion years old but is in fact only 12. This is every bit as believable as the news circulating last week that Britain was hotter than Algiers.
Global warming! Who needs it? Labels: British weather, Einstein, speed of light
Vestdavit secures Australian Customs patrol boat order from Austal
NORWAY-based boat handling system and specialised davit supplier Vestdavit has been contracted by shipbuilder Austal to supply its state-of-the-art PLAR-6500 davits to eight new Cape Class Patrol Boats (CCPBs) to be built for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. Austal will build the 58.1 m Cape Class Patrol Boats at its shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia. Construction of the first vessel is expected to begin soon, with all eight due to be delivered between March 2013 and August 2015. The patrol boats will play a significant role in protecting Australia’s borders from multiple maritime threats. They have been designed to have greater range, endurance and flexibility, as well as enhanced capability to operate in more severe sea conditions than the current Customs and Border Protection fleet. The sixteen PLAR-6500 davits covered by the order perform an important role in the operational capability of the vessels. Made of lightweight aluminium and capable of lifting Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) of 6,500 kilos, the SOLAS-compliant, self-tensioned davits are fully equipped with the latest safety accessories, including shock absorbers, guiding rails, wire haulers, hydraulic end stops, and independent HPUs. Their advanced functionality ensures safe operation in rough weather conditions, and permits the safe deployment and recovery of boats in speed of up to 10 knots. Vestdavit managing director Rolf Andreas Wigand says, “For Vestdavit, this contract demonstrates the global appeal of our custom-made davit systems, and underlines the quality of our products and services. The Australian authorities already have several Vestdavit units in operation in Australian waters, specifically 16 PLA-2000 davits for Customs and Border Protection; 28 PLAR-4500 davits for the Royal Australian Navy’s Armidale Class, and 2 PAP-6000 davits also for the Royal Australian Navy. We are very proud to have been chosen yet again for this prestigious delivery to Australia. The contract is confirmation of the Australian government’s satisfaction with our systems. “Vestdavit is committed to providing support services for the davit systems throughout their operational life. To help us achieve this objective, we have several partners in place in Australia, including Antelope Engineering – our Australian agent which was instrumental in helping Vestdavit to secure this latest order from Australia, as well as our service partner, Hydraulink NT, which will provide service to the davits.” For a graphic of the davit go to http://bit.ly/nfnCu5 or e mail john@merlinco.com Images must be credited as follows: Image courtesy of Austal Vestdavit designs, supplies and supports tailor-made solutions for launching and recovering boats in difficult conditions at sea. Its range of boat handling systems and davits are the first choice of navies, coastguards, seismic survey operators, pilot authorities and offshore operators who need to be able to operate small boats safely from larger vessels. Since 1975 Bergen-based Vestdavit has supplied over 1,800 davits and side and stern launch systems. They have proven themselves over more than 30 years use in the North Sea and other harsh environments around the world. Self-tensioning and shock absorbing systems ensure crew safety and widen the operational window for the users. Vestdavit’s key focus is on operational effectiveness, safety and the reliability of its equipment. www.vestdavit.noFor more information: Rolf Andreas Wigand Vestdavit + 47 99 46 48 62 rolf.andreas.wigand@vestdavit.noLabels: boat handling, davits, offshore safety, patrol boats
OSD seals ten new PSV orders
Offshore Ship Designers has sealed ten new design contracts for large diesel-electric Platform Supply Vessels for two major offshore operators building at three shipyards in Brazil, Japan and Spain. Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Limited has ordered four IMT-997 Platform Supply Vessels to be built by Universal Shipbuilding Corporation in Japan and four sister vessels to be built at the EISA shipyard in Brazil. The 97 m LOA 5,000 dwt vessels will be classed with DP2 capability and have diesel-electric propulsion systems with azimuth propulsion units. The vessels will be delivered progressively from early 2014. Craig Group’s Northstar Shipping has ordered two IMT-982 PSVs to be built at Balenciaga in Spain. The 83 m LOA vessels have diesel-electric propulsion systems offering greater fuel economy and efficiency. The vessels have an initial operating deadweight of 2,550 dwt, a useable deck area of 912 square metres and are powered by four MAK 9M20 1450 kW generator sets driving two Steerprop 1900 kWe Azimuths. The vessels are specially designed to operate at less than 5,000 tonnes displacement to work with older North Sea Structures where vessel size and weight restrictions apply and will be also classed with DP2 capability. Neil Patterson, managing director of OSD-IMT, the UK arm of the OSD group, says, “The key elements of our IMT range of offshore support vessels are fuel efficiency and design for purpose. These leading offshore operators want vessels designed efficiently for specific tasks, and with these new designs we can tailor the hull, cargo systems, power and propulsion systems to the required operating profile. With offshore operators developing oil fields in deeper water and in more exposed environmental conditions, the requirements are for more efficient high capacity support vessels often with special requirements. OSD can design exactly what is needed, through the IMT range of OSV’s and with our extensive experience of diesel-electric systems and regulations such SPS Code, IBC Code and Probabilistic Damage, our designs can built anywhere in the world at the most competitive price.” For a graphic of the IMT-982 click on http://bit.ly/qIKsBfor e mail brusselers@offshoreshipdesigners.comOffshore Ship Designers Group (OSD) is a global one-stop resource delivering naval architecture and marine engineering skills to the shipping and offshore energy industries. It draws on an experienced global workforce to provide high quality feasibility studies, conceptual and detailed designs for tugs and offshore support vessels of all types. OSD is based in IJmuiden, The Netherlands, and has offices in Montrose, York, Appledore, Shanghai and Singapore. www.offshoreshipdesigners.comFor more information: Merijn Brusselers Offshore Ship Designers +31 (0)255 54 50 70 brusselers@offshoreshipdesigners.comLabels: energy-efficient designs, offshore support vessels
Moore Stephens boosts insurance internal audit team
Leading insurance accountant and consultant, Moore Stephens, is to boost its governance, risk and assurance team with the recruitment of two leading practitioners, Gary Oliver and Gavin Davey.
Currently a partner at Mazars, Gary Oliver is well-known in the London market, providing governance, risk and assurance services and acting as head of internal audit to a range of clients including Lloyd’s agencies and syndicates, insurers and reinsurers. He has strong commercial experience, having been Risk Management and Compliance Director at Ark Syndicate Management and Group Head of Internal Audit at Wellington Underwriting.
Gavin Davey, a Mazars director, specialises in providing IT assurance services to both the Lloyd's market and general insurers. He has extensive experience of all aspects of IT internal audit and statutory audit support services and specifically Solvency II data governance and integrity.
Simon Gallagher, head of Moore Stephens’ insurance practice, says the firm is delighted to have recruited two leading practitioners with such strong reputations. “We are seeing substantial demand for our services and expertise, which we foresee continuing as the regulatory regime tightens,” he explains. “We are actively developing our internal audit portfolio, providing not only both co-sourced and outsourced support, but also delivering individual assignments such as governance strategies, compliance gap analyses, board effectiveness reviews and data quality audits. Gary and Gavin’s recruitment will further enhance our expertise in this area”
Gary Oliver says, “I am very excited to be joining Moore Stephens at a time of increasing regulatory pressure and the need for robust corporate governance in the insurance industry. Moore Stephens has an outstanding reputation as a leading insurance industry adviser with a team of committed and skilled professionals. I am looking forward to joining the team and sharing in the firm’s future success.”
Moore Stephens LLP is noted for a number of industry specialisations and is widely acknowledged as a leading shipping and insurance adviser. Moore Stephens LLP is a member firm of Moore Stephens International Limited, one of the world's leading accounting and consulting networks, with 636 offices of independent member firms in 100 countries, employing 21,197 people and generating revenues in 2011 of $2.3 billion. www.moorestephens.co.uk
For more information: Simon Gallagher, Moore Stephens LLP Tel: +44 (0)20 7334 9191 simon.gallagher@moorestephens.com Labels: governance risk and assurance, internal audit, Mazars, Moore Stephens, new appointments
Moore Stephens calls for EU tonnage tax stability
International accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens has called for stability for European tonnage tax regimes now that the EC has begun its review of EU State Aid Guidelines to Maritime Transport
The start of the EC’s review of the EU State Aid Guidelines to Maritime Transport was announced on 14 February 2012. These guidelines cover European tonnage tax regimes as well as other state aid to the maritime sector. The EC has published a detailed and very comprehensive questionnaire regarding these state aid guidelines, inviting responses from citizens, organisations and public authorities.
The EC says the objective of the consultation is to invite member states, other institutions and stakeholders to provide information on industry developments, feedback on the application of the 2004 Community Guidelines on State Aid to Maritime Transport (due for review within seven years of their date of application) and their effects, as well as any comments and proposals regarding state aid for maritime transport. The Commission will analyse the outcome of the consultation before deciding to what extent changes to the current rules are necessary and, if appropriate, come forward with a proposal for revised guidelines. At this stage, the Commission has not taken a position concerning a possible modification of the existing guidelines.
Moore Stephens tax partner Sue Bill says, “We hope the EC will bear in mind the importance of stability to European tonnage tax regimes. This is particularly important given the current difficult economic climate, and the fact that EU tonnage tax regimes are competing with other jurisdictions, such as Singapore, which offer very attractive tax breaks to the shipping sector. It will be important for all interested parties in the EU to ensure that they are involved as much as possible in the consultation process.”
In a separate development, shipowners in the UK tonnage tax regime were recently encouraged by positive remarks made at the UK Chamber of Shipping’s recent annual dinner by Shipping Minister Mike Penning, who said the UK government had no intention of touching the UK tonnage tax regime.
Sue Bill says, “The minister’s remarks referred to HMRC’s reinterpretation of the rules relating to the requirement that strategic and commercial management of the ships is located in the UK. HMRC has published revised, interim guidance which broadly reinstates HMRC’s pre-2009 position. Further consultation with the shipping industry has been promised, although no additional information has been provided regarding the scope and timing of the consultation.
“The minister’s comments are a very encouraging development, but it is not yet the end of the story. It is important that the consultation goes ahead, so that final guidance can be issued, in order to give further reassurance to the shipping industry. The government should take the opportunity to simplify and improve the regime. In addition, HMRC needs to act in a reasonable and consistent manner with regard to all matters relating to the UK tonnage tax regime, not just the strategic and commercial management test.
“As the UK government is required to act within the EU guidelines, the outcome of the EC review will also be important.”
Moore Stephens LLP is noted for a number of industry specialisations and is widely acknowledged as a leading shipping and insurance adviser. Moore Stephens LLP is a member firm of Moore Stephens International Limited, one of the world's leading accounting and consulting associations, with 636 offices of independent member firms in 100 countries, employing 21,197 people and generating revenues in 2011 of $2.3 billion. www.moorestephens.co.uk
For more information: Sue Bill, Moore Stephens LLP Tel: +44 (0)20 7334 9191 email: sue.bill@moorestephens.comLabels: EC guidelines, EU state aid guidelines, maritime transport, Moore Stephens, Tonnage Tax
Vale uses Logmarin to develop the world's largest floating bulk terminal
Genoa-based Logmarin Advisors, part of the RINA Group, has enabled Brazil’s Vale SA to convert the Ore Fabrica (the former VLCC Front Duchess) into the world’s largest transhipment vessel. It will shortly come into operation at a site in Subic Bay, the Philippines, where it will operate as a platform for the transhipment of iron ore cargoes from Vale’s 400,000 dwt valemax ore carriers into capesize vessels for on carriage to markets in Asia. Logmarin assisted Vale by devising and supervising the detailed design of the conversion and by procurement assistance, selection of the Ore Fabrica terminal management, and developing operation and safety procedures, Hazard and Operability analysis, transhipment site identification and permits. Support includes assistance during commissioning and personnel training. The new cargo handling plant, the only one of its kind, consists of five Liebherr MPG cranes and a sophisticated conveyor belt/loading system designed and built by Bedeschi of Padova. The cargo handling facility is certified by RINA. The conversion was carried out at the Jiangsu Xinrong Shipyard in China. A total of 4,643 tonnes of new plant and structure went into the conversion. The installation of 9,680 KW of power gives the vessel a 5,000 tonnes-per-hour capacity – sufficient to load a capesize vessel in 36 hours. From design to delivery, the entire conversion took 333 days to complete. The vessel is managed by MSI Ship Management Pte Ltd of Singapore. Logmarin provides broad-based advice and experienced ideas to tailor-make innovative supply chain solutions for the specific needs of the clients, taking into account environmental and commercial issues at site. Logmarin aims to configure the industry’s marine supply chain as effectively as possible. For a photo of the Ore Fabrica e mail john@merlinco.comThe RINA Group is an international company that supports firms and the community to guide them towards greater competitiveness and effective risk management through the conception, creation, management and assessment of projects. The Group has developed the best competencies and combined them with its own values of integrity and responsibility, gained in over 150 years of experience, into a way of working that meets the highest expectations in the market. To guarantee the most advanced level of technical competency and speed of intervention, the RINA Group operates through a network of companies dedicated to different sectors including Environment and Quality, Energy, Shipping, Ethics and Safety, Food Production and Healthcare, Infrastructures and Constructions, Logistics and Transport. With a turnover of around 300 million Euros, over 2,100 employees, and 130 offices in 42 countries worldwide, RINA meets the needs of its clients and is recognized as an authoritative player in key international organizations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards. www.rina.orgFor more information: Claudia Filippone Head of Media Relations RINA +39 010 5385643 cfp@rina.orgGiulia Faravelli Media Relations +39 010 5385505 giulia.faravelli@rina.org
Schat-Harding launches global multi-brand service
LEADING lifeboat manufacturer and service provider Schat-Harding has widened the range of its global service network to cover multi-brand servicing and the re-hooking of lifeboats. For the first time, shipowners and offshore operators will be able to get most of their lifeboats, hooks, winches and davits serviced by a trained engineer working to the highest global standards, backed by a global service network. They will also be able to use Schat-Harding’s range of modern hooks to replace older models which may no longer meet IMO standards in most boats.
Birger Grathen, CEO, Schat-Harding Service, says, “This is a major step forward for shipowners and offshore operators. They don’t have to risk using small and unauthorised lifeboat service and testing stations, or hooks from companies with no track record. Rather, they can now benefit from the same high standards as those already enjoyed by owners with Schat-Harding brand equipment. Our global network of service stations and partners is now authorised to service over 500 lifesaving products made by other Original Equipment Manufacturers, on top of all the products delivered by the fifteen major brands we own.”
Norwegian-headquartered international shipowner DOF, which owns and operates a large fleet of modern offshore and sub-sea vessels, is one of the first companies to take advantage of Schat-Harding’s multi-branding initiative. It has recently signed a 65-vessel Fleet Service Agreement with Schat-Harding. Marita Ottera, Head of Procurement at DOF Management AS, says, “The agreement with Schat-Harding will afford us good control with regard to the approved quality and safety of the equipment on our lifeboats, and a simplified follow-up procedure for lifeboat systems on board our ships. We are very happy to have Schat-Harding support the equipment on board our ships and to do the work in an efficient and cost-effective way.”
IMO SOLAS regulations require a strict and regular service and testing routine for life- saving appliances, and new requirements have recently been put in place to test all lifeboat hooks and bring them up to new standards.
“The best way to get equipment serviced or updated is to use the people who design and build lifeboats, winches, davits and hooks, and who have the trained people to do the job properly,” says Birger Grathen. “That is why we built up the world’s biggest global service network and have invested heavily in training and in our SHIELD database. We want to give lifetime support to the owners who have our equipment. But most shipping and offshore companies have mixed fleets of vessels with a mix of lifeboat equipment from different manufacturers. It is much easier and cheaper if they can use one company to service and upgrade all the equipment. Owners are also now facing a one-off challenge of having to test all the lifeboat hooks to see if they comply with retrospective IMO standards, and to replace hooks where necessary. That will be a big task, again made more cost-effective by using one supplier for the whole job.
“That is why Schat-Harding is seeking a wide range of approvals and access to original manuals and spares. It has also trained its engineers and put in place quality control criteria to ensure that they can safely service equipment from most manufacturers, and install our SeaCure hooks into most boats, while maintaining the global high standards which currently apply to Schat-Harding brands.”
To download hi res photos of Birger Grathen and Schat-Harding service engineers at work click on: http://bit.ly/sCR30i or e mail chris@merlinco.com
Schat-Harding is the world’s leading supplier of lifeboat and evacuation systems for the offshore, cruise and shipping industries. With factories and offices in Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Panama, Singapore, Spain, Canada, the Czech Republic, the USA and China, and agents or service partners in thirty other countries, Schat-Harding provides a global service and supply network. Brands now owned by Schat-Harding include Watercraft, Viking Marine, Waterman, Fiskars, Davit-Company, MASECO, Watercraft America, William Mills Marine, Schat, Harding, Mulder & Rijke and the Beiyang Boatbuilding Co. www.schat-harding.com
For more information:
David Torres VP Sales +47 902 82 987 USH Service david.torres@schat-harding.com
Jennifer Manning Marketing Manager USH Service +47 45 86 74 47 jennifer.manning@schat-harding.com Labels: DOF, lifeboats, multi-brand servicing, re-hooking, Schat-Harding
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