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Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Liberia’s WayPoint takes client interface standards to new levels

Liberia has further strengthened its reputation as the world’s most technologically advanced and sophisticated ship register with a major upgrade of WayPoint, its state-of-the-art web-based client interface system.

When WayPoint was launched in late-2016, it provided the owners and operators of Liberian-flag ships with secure, real-time, user-friendly access to their fleet details and allowed them to apply for International Convention certification such as Civil Liability, Bunker Civil Liability, Wreck Convention and Ballast Water Management Convention certificates. Now, the effectiveness of WayPoint has been significantly expanded by the addition of a number of enhanced features.

WayPoint is on a different level to any other client interface system currently available to the users of ship registry services. Owners and operators are now better able to manage their fleet-wide regulatory compliance. WayPoint provides easy and intuitive access to information about vessels’ last Annual Safety Inspection data, when inspections are due for renewal, and indication of scheduled inspections. The range of certificates which can be viewed and obtained has been expanded to include those relating to the Maritime Labour Convention, including DMLC Parts 1 and 11, SMC, and ISSC, and documents of compliance (DOC). The facility also exists to transmit certificates and related information directly from the registry.

Scott Bergeron, CEO of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), the US-based manager of the Liberian Registry, says, “Liberia is way ahead of any other ship registry in the world in terms of its technological proficiency and efficiency. Now, it is further ahead still, with the launch of its upgraded WayPoint system.

“In today’s hi-tech world, ship owners and operators need instant access to a vast range of information, including their fleet details, their certificates, and their inspection schedules. WayPoint not only provides this access, but it is reinventing the way that shipowners will interact with their flag state and offering efficiencies that will facilitate regulatory compliance in meaningful ways. The end result is less focus on bureaucracy and tedious co-ordination, and greater emphasis on meeting regulatory objectives.

“Shipping is a round-the-clock business. It never sleeps, and neither should ship registers, which must be able to provide information whenever it is needed, wherever it is needed, at any time of the day or night. Liberia is ahead of the game in this respect, and the owners and operators of Liberian-flag ships are the beneficiaries, with guaranteed access to the information they need to keep their fleets moving safely and efficiently.”

The Liberian Registry is already working on a complete suite of further upgrades that will expand the portfolio of online services which Liberia is able to offer.

WayPoint is accessible to clients through https://waypoint.liscr.com. Clients of the registry may apply for user access via the WayPoint homepage.

The Liberian Registry is the world’s most technologically advanced maritime administration. It has a long-established track record of combining the highest standards of safety for vessels and crews with the highest levels of responsive and innovative service to owners. Moreover, it has a well-deserved reputation for supporting international legislation designed to maintain and improve the safety and effectiveness of the shipping industry and protection of the marine environment. www.liscr.com


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